Montenegro is Covid-19 Free, Airways Aviation branch remains fully operational

The Director of the World Health Organisation (WHO) for Europe Mr. Hans Kluge confirms the Montenegro coronavirus infection rate remains the lowest in the region. The WHO credits the Montenegro Governments quick, decisive action and containment measures as key.

The picturesque Balkan country, was the last in Europe to confirm it's first case on March 17th. A total of only 324 confirmed cases out of which 25 are active and according to Clinical Center of Montenegro are quarantined and not hospitalised as of today. 9 deaths have been reported through this time and there have been no new cases for more than a week!

It is only matter of days when Montenegro will become coronavirus free.

Airways Aviation Academy - Montenegro has successfully remained fully operational and delivering its flight training during the pandemic whilst of-course implementing all Government and regulatory procedures on health & safety.

The local government has removed many of the social and business restrictions and we thank the Montenegrin authorities for their trust and guidance in allowing Airways Aviation to trade and operate during the past several difficult months for the global community.

Airways Aviation Montenegro is preparing to receive its latest batch of Pilot Training students in mid-June 2020.


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